Discover the guest rooms in Montmarault in Allier
A stay in a mansion of the 15th century
Want to stay in Allier in Auvergne ? Hotel De France in Montmarault offers 3 guests rooms in the Bourbonnais region for you to have a pleasant stay in Auvergne and for you to discover the authentic region. The guests rooms of the hotel are from the 15th century with high ceilings and wooden floors and are the annex of Hotel De France.
The guests rooms full of charm and in a stylish mansion have different shades of green, blue or ocher.

The guest rooms
Lily flower, Forget-me-not flower and Nasturtium flower are the names of the poetic and scented guests rooms and you can already feel a warmth and comfy atmosphere. The Lily flower room has a wooden floor and greenish walls which puts you in a relaxing mood. The Nasturtium room has red and yellow shades and can welcome 3 people for you to enjoy a family stay.
Desire for a change of scenery ? The Forget-me-not flower room with take you to a world of dreams with its gigantic four poster bed. A living room, a library and a dining room are also at your disposition for you to share moments of conviviality, read touristic brochures or chill out...in a cosy and intimate place made of old stones.

You'll be able to enjoy a wonderful home made breakfast served at Hotel De France after sleeping in one of our 3 guests rooms in an all brand new mansion, fully renovated with its old charm.
Come and discover our guests romms in the Bourbonnais region in Montmarault !